3M car care products have always provide users with satisfaction. This is why Son Nguyen is honored to present to you the optimal promotion for the favourited products.
The procedure of car painting using water base is ananlougous to that of solvent-based car painting with some minor difference. The process includes 8 steps and many more sub-steps during the process. Additionally there are some issues that...
Car paint is like human skin. Son does not affect the operation, speed of the car but is extremely important. The paint helps to protect the entire body of the car, rust, creating beauty and personality for the
Car coating is the coating of a special solution on the surface of the car. This solution is usually young rubber to help protect the chassis from rust, dented distortion caused by rocks, ...
Cleaning injectors helps the car to operate stably, not be inert and fuel consumption. After a period of use, gasoline injectors will be contaminated with impurities on the needle tip and the needle hole leading to congestion.
9 steps to clean and maintain the exterior of the car to keep it clean, avoid rust, frosted glass, damage the paint, ...